Thursday, 26 April 2012

School Holidays

Ahhh school holidays, as a kid it was the stuff dreams were made out of. Now that I'm on the other side (the parent side) I'm not so fond of them.
Dont get me wrong, having a chance to spend some time with your kids is fantastic if you can A. afford it, and B. it doesn't send you crazy within 2 weeks.
Anyway, I actually worked for most of the holidays (coming up to the last day tomorrow) so my sanity is still intact. Not so much for Miss C but that's another story!

I gave in to the school holiday demon that was my child and took B to the National Museum on Monday. We had fun. No really. There were no tantrums or foot stamping (from me) and lots of excitement and learning (from B)
Our museum is quite child friendly..... I dont know what any other museums are like else where, but just saying, the word museum usually conjures up the mental image of a lot of dust.... and old people.
So, child friendly, yes.
We entered the museum and headed straight for the info desk. I had been previously, but B wanted a map. So we got a map and headed up the stairs for the start of the permanent exhibitions. They have this rotating theatre at the start of the exhibits which pretty much gives you a brief (but exciting coz the theatre moves!) overview of the things you can view through out the museum. Timing was good so B and I started there. Quite enjoyable.
Ok, so now, honestly the rest of the museum rushed by in a blur..... a blur of blonde hair and legs as B ran (or walked with haste) from exhibit to exhibit, I received lots of excited, what's this? come touch this? wow that's so big!

Oh, I just read that back, it sounds really bad....... Let me clarify. :)

What's this was a question I frequently got asked about the stuffed animals, they had echidnas, kangaroos, platypuses? (platypie?!) even a Tasmanian tiger.
Come touch this, there are so many exhibits with hands on components, there was a wool box, a cow hide, a whole section where kids could try things out, and a few "books" that she could flick through.
B surprised me by reading out the scientific names of the animals, with mostly correct pronunciation.

Oh that's really big, in the mining section they had a big excavator scoop (B's name for it, and, although the hubby works in earthworks, I still didn't get the correct term out of him) B was able to fit in between the prongs (teeth?!) of it. It was huge!

After looking at all the exhibits, we headed back to the main hall area where, for the school holidays, they had set up a kids discovery centre which was based on their temporary exhibit Travel the silk road... or something. B made a hat :)

We had lunch then went outside so B could run up the skate ramp. Its not really, but it sure does look like one!

Then home, I was so tired and still hadn't made the red velvet cake that I had planned to.

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